Prayers for Government

Prayer for Government (Archbishop John Carroll)
Election Prayer to Mary

Holy Father's Prayer Intentions (2011)

Roman Breviary

Liturgy of the Hours

Prayer to St. Michael (Pope Leo XIII): Long  Short  Origin
Universal Prayer (Pope Clement XI)

Fr. Lasance: [Stations of the Cross] [Confession]

St. Ambrose's Prayer Before the Eucharist
St. Augustine's Prayer
Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas Before Mass

What Does the Prayer Really Say?

Prayer Without Ceasing

Catholic Doors Prayer Index
Christian Prayers

Prayers in Latin (many with English translations)

Thesaurus Precum Latinarum (Treasury of Latin Prayers)
Traditional Prayers, Creeds, and Ejaculations
Catholic prayers in Latin and English
Prayers - Latin Translations
Collection of Latin and English Traditional Prayers
Prayers of the Rosary with audio recordings
Prayers in Latin with audio recordings

Latin Resources

Ecclesiastical Latin pronunciation guide
Latin pronunciation course (ecclesiastical and classical)
Talking Vulgar (conversational Latin resources)
Readings in Ecclesiastical Latin
List of Latin resources with some commentary


How to Pray the Rosary
Has reflections for each Hail Mary. The prayers are provided in English, Latin, Spanish,
French, Italian, Polish, German, Portugese, Dutch, Gaelic, Russian, Tagalog, Croatian, Swedish, Japanese, and Vietnamese.

Rosary history and prayers

Prayers of the Rosary in Latin with audio recordings
Rosary Devotions (Fr. Lasance):      Joyful | Sorrowful | Glorious
Virtual Rosary
Franciscan Crown and the Rosary

The Rosary: Our Weapon

Recording of Rosary prayers in Latin (from Pro Multis Media): [CD] [DVD]


54 Day Rosary Novena
Novena to the Holy Spirit
Christmas Novena (12/16-12/25)
Our Lady of Prompt Succor (12/31-1/8)    [Novena Prayers]   [Background]
Various Novenas

Other Devotions

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Devotion to the Infant Jesus of Prague
Divine Mercy Chaplet   [#1]  [#2]
Divine Mercy - various languages with audio recordings
Divine Mercy - Latin
Divine Mercy - Latin

Marian Devotions

The 7 Sorrows of Mary conform to the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit


Litany of Humility

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