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Defenders of the Catholic Faith
Peter Kreeft

Dr. William Lane Craig (Protestant apologist)
Dr. Norman Geisler (Protestant apologist)

Salvation / Justification
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Bible Information

Information about Bible Translations
The English Versions of Scripture
Douay-Rheims Bible
Latin Vulgate Bible
New American Bible (USCCB)
Hypertext Bible Index (KJV, Latin, Greek, Hebrew)
Bible Gateway (many different versions/languages)

Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary
Catena Aurea (The Golden Chain of St. Thomas Aquinas)
Biblical Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide

Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
Bible Basics
Bible Research
Interpretation of the Bible (Pontifical Biblical Commission)
Catholic Church documents related to Biblical Studies
Basic Scripture

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (Scott Hahn)


Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)   [Vatican]  [Intratext]  [Borromeo]
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Q&A format)
     Links to the CCC and Compendium in different languages
Catechism of the Council of Trent
Baltimore Catechism
The Nazereth Master Catechism (Catechisms of Aquinas, Trent, Baltimore, and Pope St. Piux X)

Catechetics Online

Canon Law

Code of Canon Law (Codex Iuris Canonici) (1983)   [Vatican]  [Intratext]
New Commentary, Old Nonsense (Review of heterodox commentary in the CLSA's New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law)

Code of Canon law (1917 - Latin) | Commentary

CanonLaw.info (Dr. Edward Peters)
In the Light of the Law (Dr. Edward Peters canon law blog)
Musings of a Canonist (Fr. Stuart MacDonald, JCL)
Canon law discussion/wiki
What is Canon Law? (contains references to orthodox commentaries on the 1983 Code)

Canon Law Sources Online


The Commercialization of Christmas
What are the O Antiphons?


These 40 Days... a guide for Lent

U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Statement on Penance and Abstinence
Penitential Practices for Today's Catholics
Observance of Fasting and Abstinence (USCCB)
Rules for Fasting and Abstinence (current and traditional)


Summa Theologica
Companion to the Summa Theologica
Works of the Early Church Fathers

4 Levels of the Church's Teaching
Communion with the Church by Degrees of Fullness

What sins lead to spiritual blindness?

Catholic Theology Links


Morphological Analysis for Inflected Latin Words
Search for Dictionary Headwords
Mahoney's Overview of Latin Syntax
Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid
Latin to English translation (not very good)

Latin Resource Links
Project Perseus - Electronic Classics Library (Tufts)
Latin Vulgate Bible
1917 Code of Canon Law (great translation practice!)

Prayers in Latin (many with English translations)

Thesaurus Precum Latinarum (Treasury of Latin Prayers)
Traditional Prayers, Creeds, and Ejaculations
Prayers - Latin Translations
Collection of Latin and English Traditional Prayers

Recording of Rosary prayers in Latin (from Pro Multis Media): [CD] [DVD]

(See the Catholocity.net Prayer page for more prayers)

Eastern Documents

The Book of the Bee
The Book of the Cave of Treasures
The Kebra Nagast

Other References

Catholic Encyclopedia
Internet Sacred Text Archives
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)
Church Documents (Catholic.net)
Church Documents (New Advent.org)
Church Teachings (EWTN)
Saints and Other Holy People (EWTN)
Traditional Catholic References

Books Online

Catholic Books Online

Abandonment to Divine Providence  [PDF]  [HTML]  [Text]
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Anne Catherine Emmerich)
The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's 'City of God' (John Neville Figgis)

Other Religions

The (Episcopal) Book of Common Prayer
Unitarian Christianity
The New England Primer
Shaker's Compendium
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures (Mary Baker Eddy)
John Wesley's Place in History (Woodrow Wilson)
Renaissance and Reformation Documents

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