Motu ProprioSummorum Pontificum
Unofficial Enlish translation from Vatican Information Service
English and Latin (N.B. Source of English translation is unknown)
Letter to bishops regarding Summorum Pontificum(English)
USCCB Committee on the Liturgy Newsletter
EWTN Motu Proprio Resources
Statement from the Diocese of Orange (CA)
Questions and Answers (from A Faithful Rebel blog)
Analysis (Catholic World News)
Summorum Pontificum translation problems
Fr. Z's rules of engagement after the Motu Proprio is released
TLM Contact Database (Lumen Gentleman blog)
Blogs discussing Summorum Pontificum
Summorum PontificumWDTPRS (What Does the Prayer Really Say)
Rorate Cali
A Faithful Rebel
The Hermeneutic of Continuity
Cardinal Sean O'Malley's (Boston) blog
Secular News Coverage
Yahoo! News
Boston Globe
NY Daily News
Solemn High Mass of the Extraordinary Rite (EWTN 9/14/07) [Real Video]Homily only (audio)
Theology Roundtable (audio)
EWTN Discussion (9/14/2007)
EWTN Discussion (7/13/2007)
Transforming a modern altar into a high altar
Summorum Pontificum celebration
Traditional Latin Mass
Mass appeal to Latin tradition (Washington Times 10/28/07)A modern priest reports on classical Roman Rite training
Reflections on the Traditional Latin Mass [Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., editor, Homiletic & Pastoral Review]
A new look at the old Mass [Fr. Kenneth E. Myers, chaplain, Pittsburgh, PA Latin Mass Community]
TLM Tutorial (St. John Cantius, Chicago)
Traditional Latin Mass Resources
Guide to Traditional MissalsA Primer of Traditional Missals
Traditional Missal Information