D |
Religious faith is the assent of the intellect to
truths revealed by God on the authority of God. This assent occurs with
the collaboration of free will influenced by grace. |
D |
Christ founded the Church and gave to her the
threefold office of teaching, governing, and sanctifying. |
D |
Christ appointed the Apostles, and commissioned them
with the threefold office. |
D |
According to divine right the bishops are the
successors of the Apostles. |
D |
Christ gave St. Peter the primacy of jurisdiction, to
which the pope of Rome succeeds. |
D |
Christ endowed the teaching authority (pope, general
body of bishops) with infallibility. |
D |
The ordinary teaching authority resides in the
universal Church on earth. |
D |
The extraordinary teaching authority resides in the
pope and in the General Council. |
D |
The sources of faith are Sacred Scripture and
Tradition. |
D |
Holy Scripture is inspired, i.e., it has God for its
author. |
Cert |
Holy Scripture is free from error. |
D |
There is one God, who is the essence of all
perfection. He is infinite, eternal and immutable, omnipresent and
immense, omniscient and all wise, holy. good, just, merciful,
long-suffering, faithful, and true. |
D |
There is one God in three Persons. These three
Persons are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are
distinguished one from another by their various "processions": the
Father proceeds from no one, the Son proceeds from the Father, and the
Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and from the Son. |
D |
The procession of the Son from the Father is termed
"generation". |
Cert |
The Son proceeds by way of mental generation from the
intellect of the Father. |
D |
He is therefore known as the "Word". |
Cert |
The Holy Spirit proceeds from the mutual love
existing between the Father and Son. |
D |
God created the material and spiritual world out of
nothing. |
D |
All creatures were created good. Evil came through
the sin of the creature. |
D |
God created the angels, i.e., spirits superior to
man. |
Cert |
The angels were created in the state of sanctifying
grace, but not in the state of glory. |
D |
Some angels sinned. |
D |
The good angels watch over mankind. |
Cert |
Every baptized soul has his or her own guardian
angel. |
D |
God created man to His own image. God created man at
least mediately. |
Cert |
Every immortal soul is created by God. |
Prob |
God created the bodies of the first human beings
directly. |
Cert |
All mankind descends from the first man and woman. |
D |
The first persons of the human race were created in a
state of justice and holiness. |
Cert |
This state was a supernatural gift of grace. |
D |
The first human beings were immortal. |
Cert |
They were not subject to inordinate desires. |
Com Acc |
They were not subject to suffering or ignorance. |
Cert |
These endowments were "preternatural" gifts of God. |
D |
The first human beings sinned grievously, in so far
as they transgressed a command of God. |
D |
All those who are the natural descendants of
Adam (the Blessed Virgin excepted) are born with the guilt of his sin,
original sin. |
D |
Loss of sanctifying grace is a result of
original sin. |
Com Acc |
The essence of original sin consists in the loss
(culpable) of sanctifying grace. |
D |
He who dies with original sin on his soul cannot
enjoy the beatific vision. |
D |
Christ is our Redeemer. |
D |
Christ is true God and true Man. The divine and
the human nature are united in the one person of Christ. |
D |
Christ was born of the Virgin Mary. |
D |
Mary is the Mother of God. |
D |
Mary always remained a virgin. |
D |
Mary was immaculately conceived. |
D [1] |
The body of Mary was assumed into heaven. |
D |
Mary is the mediatrix of graces. She is mediatrix
because she bore Christ. |
Cert |
...because through her intercession she can
obtain every grace for us. |
Prob |
...because every grace is obtained through her
intercession. |
D |
To Mary is due special veneration
(hyperdulia). |
D |
Christ redeemed the world through His death on
the cross. |
D |
Christ offered Himself as a true and perfect
sacrifice on the cross. Hence He is the High Priest. |
Cert |
Christ died for all men. |
D |
Christ did not die for the "predestined" or for
the faithful departed alone. |
Cert |
Christ made superabundant satisfaction for sin. |
D |
Christ arose from the dead. |
Cert |
Christ is the head of all mankind. |
[1] In the original source the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is listed as 'Cert'. This doctrine was proclaimed as dogma by Pope Pius XII in 1950 (Munificentissimus Deus),
after the publication of the source in 1942.
Com Acc |
Sanctification is pre-eminently ascribed to the
Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit of the Son of God made Man. Hence, He
is also the Spirit of all those who partake of the Sonship of God
through incorporation into Christ. The Holy Spirit dwells in the
Christian who is a living member of the Body of Christ. |
D |
The sanctification of man consists in the
infusion of sanctifying grace which is a permanent state of the
soul, destroys sin. |
Cert |
...and makes us partakers "of the divine nature". |
D |
Man is also in need of "actual grace," i.e., a
temporary help from God. |
D |
Grace is absolutely necessary to salvation. |
D |
The beginning of justification is also from God. |
D |
Every just person receives sufficient grace for
the observance of the commandments, provided he does not make
himself unworthy of these graces. |
Com Acc |
God gives sinners sufficient grace for
conversion. |
Cert |
Every nonbeliever receives sufficient grace to
attain faith. |
D |
Good works merit an increase in sanctifying grace
and eternal life. |
D |
With sanctifying grace, the theological virtues,
faith, hope, charity, are infused into the soul. |
Cert |
Likewise, the moral (cardinal) virtues. |
Com Acc |
...and the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit". |
D |
The life of grace is either hampered or destroyed
by sin. |
Cert |
Sin is the transgression of a divine command
which, in the last analysis, is founded in the nature of God. |
D |
Mortal sin destroys the life of grace and merits
eternal damnation. |
Cert |
He commits a mortal sin who knowingly and
willingly transgresses God's command in a serious matter. |
D |
Venial sins do not destroy the life of grace. |
Cert |
A sacrament is a holy, outward sign, instituted
by Christ, to give grace. |
Com Acc |
A sacrament is an "efficacious" sign; it effects
what it symbolizes. |
D |
There are seven sacraments, instituted by Christ:
Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Extreme Unction,
Holy Orders, and Matrimony. |
Com Acc |
The external sign of the sacrament consists in
the "matter" and the "form". |
Com Acc |
The sacraments bring us into contact with the
God-Man and His work. |
D |
The sacraments are effective ex opere operato;
they contain the grace they symbolize and impart it when the
recipient wills to receive the sacrament, and the minister has the
intention of administering it according to the mind of the Church. |
D |
The validity of the sacraments does not depend on
the faith or on the sanctity of the minister. |
D |
Baptism, confirmation, and holy orders imprint an
"indelible character" on the soul of the recipient. |
Com Acc |
This "indelible character" is a participation in
the priesthood of Christ. |
Com Acc |
The sacraments are an "externalizing" of faith. |
Cert |
There are also sacramentals which have been
instituted by the Church. |
D |
These rites and prayers of the Church may not be
held in contempt. |
D |
Baptism is a true sacrament, instituted by
Christ. |
Cert |
Baptism is the first of the sacraments. |
D |
Natural water is required for the administration
of baptism. |
Cert |
Baptism is administered by pouring water on the
head of the one to be baptized, while saying at the same time: "I
baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Ghost." Every person can baptize validly and in case of
necessity may and should do so. In ordinary circumstances, the
pastor is the minister of baptism. |
D |
Baptism destroys the guilt of all sin: original
sin and all actual sins committed before baptism, and also all
punishment due for sin. |
D |
Baptism imprints an indelible character. |
Cert |
The baptismal character denotes membership in
Christ and participation in His priesthood. |
D |
Baptism is absolutely necessary to salvation. |
Cert |
The baptism of blood and the baptism of desire
can, under certain circumstances, be substituted for the baptism of
water. |
D |
Baptism may and should be administered to
infants. |
D |
The Holy Eucharist is a true sacrifice and
sacrament instituted by Christ. |
D |
In the Holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood of
Christ are really and truly present. |
D |
The manner in which Christ becomes present in the
Holy Eucharist is called by the Church "transubstantiation". |
D |
Christ is present whole and entire in every part
and particle of the Holy Eucharist. |
D |
Christ remains present in the Holy Eucharist for
as long as the appearances of bread and wine remain. |
D |
Adoration is due to Christ in the Holy Eucharist. |
D |
The Mass is a true and real sacrifice. |
D |
The Sacrifice of the Mass is essentially the same
as that of the cross. |
Com Acc |
Holy Communion effects the remission of venial sin, and accidentally effects remission of mortal sin if the recipient be ignorant of serious guilt. |
D |
The Holy Eucharist is a means of salvation in as
much as it frees us from our daily faults. |
D |
The Holy Eucharist is the pledge of our bodily
resurrection. |
D |
Penance is a true sacrament, instituted by Christ for the remission of sins committed after baptism (D). Christ gave to His Church the power to remit all sins without exception
committed after baptism. |
D |
Only priests and bishops can administer the
sacrament of penance. |
Com Acc |
The external sign of penance consists in the words of the priest as "form," and
the acts of the penitent as "matter". (According to some the ceremonies and words of the priest alone are the
matter and form.) |
D |
The confession of all grievous sins according to the number and kind is required for a valid reception
of penance. |
D |
Auricular confession dates from the very
beginning of Christianity. |
Cert |
Contrition (with purpose of amendment) and satisfaction are required for the sacrament of penance. |
Cert |
Imperfect contrition suffices in the sacrament of penance. |
D |
The entire temporal punishment is not always
forgiven with the guilt of sin. |
D |
For the validity of the sacrament, the minister
must have "jurisdiction". |
D |
The Church has the power to grant indulgences, and their
use is beneficial to Christians. |
D |
Holy orders is a true sacrament, instituted by
Christ. |
D |
Consecration of bishops and ordination of priests
belong to this sacrament. |
Cert |
The diaconate also belongs. |
In regard to subdeacon, acolyte, exorcist,
reader, and ostiary, St. Thomas is of the opinion that, in so far as
they share in the order of deaconship (assistantship), they also
partake of the sacrament of holy orders. However, the greater number
of present-day theologians hold the contrary view. |
D |
The ordinary minister of holy orders is the
bishop. |
Whether the imposition of hands or the
presentation of the insignia of the various orders, is the exterior
sign of this sacrament, has not been dogmatically defined. Most
probably the essential exterior sign of the sacrament of holy orders
(bishop, priest, deacon) is the imposition of hands. |
D |
Those grades of the priesthood which belong to
the sacrament of holy orders imprint an indelible character. |
Cert |
Marriage, as the legitimate spiritual-corporeal union of man and woman in a permanent life companionship, was instituted by God in paradise. |
D |
Christ raised marriage to the dignity of a
sacrament. |
D |
Christian marriage is monogamous, i.e., one man
and one woman bind themselves to a life union. |
Cert |
Christian marriage, if it has at least been
physically consummated, is indissoluble. |
Cert |
The marriage of two nonbaptized persons can be dissolved by reason of the Pauline privilege. |
Cert |
The two contracting parties mutually administer the sacrament to one another. |
Com Acc |
The external sign of the sacrament of marriage
consists in the visibly expressed marriage contract, indicating
mutual surrender and acceptance |
Cert |
Every valid marriage contract of two Christians is in itself a sacrament. Sacrament and contract are inseparable. |
D |
Christian marriage is subject to divine and to
ecclesiastical law as well. |
D |
The Church may set up marriage impediments. |
Cert |
The secular power is competent in the mere civil
effects of marriage. |
D |
Extreme unction is a true sacrament, instituted
by Christ. The Apostle James is witness to it. |
Cert |
The "matter" of extreme unction consists in the
anointing with holy oils. |
Cert |
The "form" used in the Western Church is as
follows: "Through this holy unction and His most tender mercy, may
the Lord pardon you whatever sins you have committed by sight,
hearing, etc." The effects of extreme unction are: strength of soul
against all the trials and tribulations in the hour of death; |
Cert |
...remission of the guilt of venial sin; |
Com Acc |
...and mortal sin; |
Com Acc |
...the partial or entire remission of the temporal punishment due to sin, as well as
other consequences of sin; |
Cert |
...finally, restoration of bodily health, if this will aid the soul
D |
Extreme unction is administered by the priest. |
D |
Every man born in the state of original sin (with the possible exception of those who are living at the second coming
of Christ) must die. |
Cert |
The soul is judged immediately after death. Its eternal destiny remains unchanged. |
D |
He who dies in the state of mortal sin will be doomed to
eternal punishment. |
D |
The punishment of hell consists primarily in
exclusion from the vision of God. |
Cert |
To this essential punishment are added other positive punishments. |
D |
The punishments of the damned vary in degree. |
D |
The souls of those who die in the state of sanctifying grace, and are still burdened with venial sin or temporal punishment
due for sin, must undergo a process of purgation. |
D |
Our prayers can aid the "Poor Souls". |
Com Acc |
The saints also come to their aid |
D |
Those who die without the least stain of sin or have no temporal punishment on their soul, enter immediately into
a state of complete supernatural beatitude. |
D |
Salvation is
eternal and can never be lost. |
D |
Salvation consists essentially in the beatific
vision. |
Com Acc |
With this essential beatitude is associated the happiness attendant on the possession of created goods, e.g., transfiguration of the body. |
D |
The saints in heaven are worthy of veneration. The veneration of the relics and images of saints is permissible and salutary. The saints intercede for us, and it is good and
advantageous for us to ask their intercession. |
D |
At the end of time, all men will rise from the
dead. |
D |
Christ will come again as judge of the world, to
judge all men |